Hello! I'm Kenan,
I was born in the vibrant streets of Istanbul in 1982, and I have cherished some of the most precious moments of my life here. My interest in graphic design began to shape at a young age. After graduating from Istanbul Printing Vocational High School Graphic Department in 1999, I earned my diploma from Marmara University Printing Department in 2004. This journey further deepened my passion for design and paved the way for my career in the art world.
I have worked as an art director in various companies, and I continue to work in this exciting field. However, there has always been a passion burning inside me: mosaic art. My interest in this tradition has been deeply rooted in my heart for many years. That's why I started working on digital mosaic projects. I began designing digital mosaic portraits of globally renowned artists, scientists, and inventors, and I continue to pursue this project. I aim to preserve their legacy and, at the same time, educate people more about these great figures.
Nature is a source of inspiration for me. Spending time in nature and exploring new places is a rejuvenating experience that nourishes my soul. That's why I decided to live in a remote village in an old wooden village house inherited from my grandfather. It provides the perfect environment to discover the tranquility and beauty of nature.
While carrying out my work, films and documentaries are also a great source of inspiration for me. These visual stories add depth and meaning to my designs, enriching my art with new dimensions.
This website serves as a platform to share my art and designs with you, as well as to inspire people and raise awareness. If you have any questions or something you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you, and I'm delighted to have you visit.
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